How To Come Down From High: 9 Tips to Sober Up

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Are you wondering what to do if you’re high on weed? People that use this substance report a variety of highs.

It has a different effect on everyone, and while one individual could be content and pleased, another might be uneasy and queasy. Some people wish to become sober as soon as possible but cannot do so.

CBD is a kind of cannabinoid present in cannabis, similar to THC. However, contrary to popular belief, it’s used by some to mitigate the adverse effects of excessive THC that causes getting high. It can reduce the influence of THC on the body and neutralize it. 

Cannabidiol interacts with various brain receptors differently than THC, which gives you the high. Several animal and human trials have demonstrated the advantages of CBD for multiple types of anxiety, though researchers are still unsure exactly how it works.

Keep reading this Happy Garden article to learn more about what to do when too high and how to get out of high quickly.

What Does It Mean to Be “High”?

In general, what people look for in cannabis-derived substances is the effect of THC. The expected consequences of cannabis intoxication are pleasurable. But the results will vary depending on your usage and the drug’s potency. 

Even if you’ve experienced highs several times, there’s always a chance that your next high won’t be the same next time. But how do you know you are high? Here is a list of the most common symptoms of cannabis intoxication:

  • You feel happiness
  • You are unusually relaxed and calm
  • You feel hungry
  • You start to disorient in time like it goes very fast or very slow
  • You have an enhanced perception of sounds and visuals

Still, if you’re unsure how to determine where the line to cross is, there are a few signs to look out for. Even though we all like a good time, you might need to restrict your intake if you experience:

  • Anxiety and nausea
  • Dizziness and confusion
  • Panic and paranoia

Like with many other drugs, consuming too much or too powerful of a cannabis strain might tilt the scales in favor of the undesirable effects. You could perceive marijuana negatively and experience cannabis’ unfavorable effects if you use it excessively. How can we get rid of all these?

9 Tips to Snap Out of Being High

It’s difficult to define how high you get and how to get rid of an edible high. Sometimes it may cause you inconvenience. Wanting to be sober is a common desire among people who get high. Even though the feeling of being high may be pleasurable, it may interrupt our daily lives and cause poor performance in everyday tasks. The main question is – how to be less high.

Here are some suggestions on how to get over being high and sober up a little.

  1. Hydrate yourself

To lessen the inconvenience of being too high, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water, tea, or other beverages. The American Dental Association claims there is a connection between marijuana use and oral dryness and that having a dry mouth from smoking or swallowing it might worsen one’s symptoms.

However, remember that alcohol should never be consumed by someone already intoxicated. It may exacerbate marijuana’s side effects and the euphoric state and result in some significant side effects.

  1. Eat snacks

The good news is that in some plant foods, there are substances called terpenoids that may have medicinal benefits and act as an antidote to the high associated with cannabis, according to a report in the British Journal of Pharmacology.

However, further research is necessary to prove the advantages of these plant components. Foods that contain these substances include pine nuts, lemons, and peppercorns.

  1. Get some CBD

The frequent question about cannabidiol is if it will get you high or not. No, you won’t get high if you choose to take CBD-infused oil, tincture, edibles, or other products. On the contrary, this substance may make you feel more relaxed or less nervous.

You might be surprised, but CBD can be a very effective way to eliminate THC symptoms. Occasionally, it’s used to offset the harmful effects of too much THC. Cannabidiol is a kind of cannabinoid present in cannabis, similar to THC. However, it interacts with various brain receptors differently than THC, which gives you the high.

Several animal and human trials have also demonstrated the advantages of CBD for various types of anxiety. However, getting high from eating a substance can be very different from getting high from smoking, vaping, or dabbing and is also much harder to overcome. 

Because THC passes via the liver during digestion, extending its endurance, edible highs are the most enduring of all intake methods. After all, our body metabolizes them through several processes. But combining CBD with THC-rich cannabis products may diminish the potency of the THC high.

  1. Try to Focus and Relax

Another thing that might help you get sober sooner is to find a serene, peaceful location free of many distractions where you can relax and take deep breaths. Just keep in mind that this uncomfortable feeling will pass. Inhale deeply and thoroughly, then exhale through your mouth. Just take a moment to relax and pay attention to the sound of your breath.

It’s not always easy to switch your brain off, but sometimes sleeping it off might be the best option to halt a solid high. Taking a small dose of CBD might help you fall asleep, relax, and stay calm, reducing the THC influence.

  1. Focus on something else

By turning your attention elsewhere, you may avoid fixating on your high, which will only make it appear worse than it is. To distract yourself, we have some suggestions for you:

  • Watch your favorite program or YouTube video
  • Start reading a book
  • Try crosswords or puzzles
  • Find simple tasks to distract yourself with, like arranging your bookshelf
  1. Cuddle with a pet

What can help you better than cuddling your pet? Since cuddling strange dogs and cats could get odd, it’s best if you snuggle your pet. 

Numerous health advantages, including the reduction of stress and anxiety, have been linked to spending time with dogs. For instance, spending even a brief amount of time with a pet can reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and speed up emotions of enjoyment and relaxation. 

And guess what? Believe it or not, you can also get some cannabidiol products specially produced for your pets in order to boost their health!

  1. Take a walk

Taking a little stroll, even if it’s only for 10 or 15 minutes, will help you distract yourself. If you find it difficult to switch off your mind, occasionally, a change of scenery and some fresh air to get your blood flowing may help you feel more energized. Just be careful and don’t go too far from your house. 

  1. Talk to a friend

Friends or loved ones are always one of the greatest solutions; even if they can’t lower your blood THC levels, being near them could help you feel more at peace. A fantastic way to stop you from acting carelessly when inebriated is to use the buddy system. Ask a sober close friend to remain with you until you feel better by giving them a call.

  1. Take a Shower

According to some research, showering will most definitely diminish your high. In particular, cold showers appear to assist in reducing depressive symptoms and improving brain impulses, making you feel more attentive and grounded. In general, showers are calming to the body and mind.

How to Sober Up From Edible?

Maybe you took a bit too much, and now the consequences are making you uncomfortable. Or perhaps you need to become sober because an uninvited guest is going to arrive at your home. Whatever the cause, having a strategy in place can ease your mind and allow you to rest knowing that you are ready for situations like this.

How to get rid of edible high? One of the greatest ways to prevent feeling too high is to avoid getting too high in the first place. High dosages and high potency of cannabis dramatically raise your chances of unpleasant consequences. 

However, if it’s too late to think about the right dose, check out our suggestions about how to get “unhigh” once more.

How Long Does THC Stay in Your System?

THC is typically detectable in hair for up to 90 days, urine for up to a month or longer, saliva for up to 48 hours, and blood for up to 36 hours. However, the amount of time marijuana stays in a person’s system might vary, just like with other narcotics. Time may be defined by a few different factors, including:

  • The frequency you use THC
  • Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content in marijuana
  • Metabolism strength
  • Hydration level

Final Thoughts

When smoking a new strain of a cannabis-derived substance or if you are unfamiliar with the drug, it can be challenging to predict how it will affect you. Don’t panic if you experience a higher high than anticipated; it will pass. 

Always remember to shop for top-notch products to get the best outcomes. Selecting CBD products should be based on a few factors, such as transparency, quality, and safety.

Why is Happy Garden the top CBD retailer? We ensure that our goods have not lost any of their components because we provide a range of cannabidiol products extracted from cannabis inflorescence in a controlled setting and under laboratory conditions. 

So, next time you feel like you don’t want to be high, always consider CBD as your first choice.

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