CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

HEMP Products » CBD Oil for Parkinson’s

Some research hints that taking CBD oil could help patients with Parkinson’s.  

What is CBD oil? It is a compound extracted from cannabis or hemp that contains potentially beneficial properties, namely cannabidiol, low levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), flavonoids, terpenes, and other cannabinoids.   

Did You Know?

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our body plays a vital role in overall wellness. Its receptors, CB1 and CB2, are responsible for the proper function of our immune, endocrine, and neurological systems. It was found that CBD may modulate ECS disruptions toward a better emotional, physiological, and motor state. In limited studies, it showed some benefits in regulating specific immune and brain parameters. 

Are you wondering if CBD is safe? Yes, it is for most people. However, those with the underlying health conditions undergoing treatment should consult their health care providers before using cannabidiol oil.       

CBD Oil for Parkinson’s: Key Takeaways 

  • Currently, almost one million people in the U.S. are affected by Parkinson’s disease (PD), which is expected to reach 1.2 million by 2030. 
  • Some studies reveal that CBD oil containing THC may reduce neurological inflammation and relieve PD symptoms. 
  • Cannabidiol oil can’t cure Parkinson’s but might be used as a preventive measure to PD. 
  • Unlike the conventional drug Levodopa, used generally to improve motor disorders in PD patients, the cannabidiol may control non-motor functions.
  • CBD oil can be used to address adverse effects caused by Levodopa.  


A few studies demonstrated evidence of neurological protection and anti-inflammatory characteristics of cannabidiol. 

Happy Garden search revealed: 

  • 2020 study of Epidiolex for Parkinson’s showed improvements in PD symptoms; 
  • Controlled trials described in a 2019 review reported improvements in neurological and non-motor responses; 
  • Another 2019 study suggested that CBD oil may treat Parkinson’s by minimizing neurological inflammation.   

Which Parkinson’s Symptoms CBD Oil Can Treat

Current treatments for Parkinson’s disease work by inhibiting dopamine receptors in the brain, which can worsen symptoms of Parkinson’s associated with motor skills. What is promising about cannabidiol is that it seems to work differently without causing any adverse reactions or triggering only minor side effects.  

CBD oil might positively affect the following symptoms of PD. 

  • Pain. Medical marijuana containing CBD and THC improved pain in 22 patients
  • Tremors. A small study suggests that cannabidiol may reduce muscle stiffness. 
  • Psychosis. 60% of people with PD experience hallucinations and delusions. Another small trial stated that CBD mitigated these symptoms without causing adverse effects. 
  • Sleep. The compound has long been known to help people with sleep problems

Given these potential benefits of cannabidiol for patients with Parkinson’s, some researchers are advocating using this product as a supplement to improve quality of life. 

Most traditional medications prescribed to people with Parkinson’s cause adverse effects like nausea, headache, etc. CBD, on the other hand, may work well to reduce them. 

Aside from Medication, There’s a Lot You Can Do

People mistakenly think that Parkinson’s disease is like condemnation, and there isn’t much they can do about it. They take Levodopa’s daily doses and ignore alternative options to help themselves. But contrary to this misconception, we want to tell them – there’s a lot you can do. 

Talk to your doctor about the possibility of using CBD oil to alleviate your symptoms. And not only that. Try to be as active as you can. A recent review discovered that patients with Parkinson’s who exercised regularly could perform more tasks daily than those who didn’t. As PD worsens, changes to how individuals lead their lives are likely, but that doesn’t mean that the person can’t lead a fulfilling life. 

Can CBD Oil Prevent Parkinson’s Disease? 

Parkinson’s is a neurodegenerative disease primarily in the elderly when neurons get prone to break down in the brain. As a result, the brain fails to send proper signals to the body, leading to Parkinson’s symptoms. Cannabidiol may operate as a neuroprotection due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It may help activate the protective tissues stopping neurons from degenerating. The FDA-approved Epidiolex, a CBD drug for epilepsy and seizures, is proof of its therapeutic effects on neurons. This suggests that if we use CBD oil every day as a preventive measure, it will likely improve the health of our neurons while reducing the odds of a degenerative breakdown.

Dr. Bradley E. Alger from Harvard University stated that the chemical connection between the brain and the body contributes to the medical cannabinoid treatment. He also noted that CBD engages a chemical mechanism that helps a healthy symbiosis between brain activity and bodily homeostasis. 

Having said that, we have to add that there’s no scientific basis that a specific strategy (not only CBD therapy) can prevent the onset of Parkinson’s. 

Are There Any Pitfalls? 

It’s easier to circumvent pitfalls when you are informed. That’s why we keep repeating – talk to your healthcare provider before consuming cannabidiol oil, especially if you are taking over-the-counter medications. 

In most studies, CBD oil proved to be safe. Despite this, you should know about these potential risks: 

  • Elevation of liver enzymes 
  • Interaction with other drugs
  • Allergic reactions 
  • Anxiety or drowsiness
  • Poor sleep
  • Irritability 
  • Nausea and diarrhea 

How To Use CBD Oil for Parkinson’s 

CBD oil can become part of your therapy to reduce pain. It can be consumed after a long and stressful day for relaxation. Cannabidiol can be used in the form of cream or balm. 

A few drops of cannabidiol oil may help to alleviate tremors and muscle stiffness. 

Whether you are taking cannabidiol oil for the first time or are an experienced consumer, it’s important to stick to the correct dosage. The best practice is always to start with small amounts and increase the dosage gradually. Make sure to follow the recommendations of your doctor. 

Remember that we are all different, so reactions and effectiveness of CBD oil treatment may vary. Some people may need more dosage than others. It depends on your weight and body chemistry. 

For maximum outcome, keep cannabidiol oil under your tongue for a few seconds before swallowing it.   

Can I Get Addicted to CBD Oil?

While you can get addicted to marijuana which contains high levels of THC, CBD alone or with the permitted threshold of THC (under 0.3%) doesn’t cause addiction or abuse and won’t get you high

Coming to the Point

The upshot is that CBD oil for Parkinson’s showed a positive effect in a few probe studies. Some people consume cannabidiol and find it helpful to ease the degenerative disease by improving their motor skills and adverse reactions to the most common treatment. 

If you are looking to use cannabidiol oil, you should only buy a premium product. You can find CBD oils and tinctures on our Happy Garden online shelves. These formulations are extracted from the seeds, leaves, flowers, and stalks of the hemp grown on the best U.S. farms. When selecting a product on our website, you’ll find the complete information you’re looking for, including lab results. 

If you have questions about purchasing CBD products, contact us any time, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.   

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