How to Use CBD Oil for Erectile Dysfunction

HEMP Products » How to Use CBD Oil for Erectile Dysfunction

Did you know that every year, over 30 million men suffer from erectile dysfunction? Not surprisingly, it’s the most frequent sex-related issue reported by men to their doctors. Some erectile difficulties are not uncommon, according to the Urology Care Foundation, but if they occur frequently, it is a sign that they should be treated.

Believe it or not, at the age of 50, as many as 50% of men are struggling with ED. It may be an awkward subject to discuss for some, but treating it is more important. Still, men struggling with this problem are often looking for alternative forms of remedies, and CBD oil is one of them.

The truth is that CBD, commonly known as cannabidiol, can be very effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. In fact, it’s an excellent natural supplement for a variety of physical and mental issues. Considering its multiple benefits, this substance may be used to replace a wide range of drugs that people use to treat ED. 

In this Happy Garden guide, you’ll get scientifically proven information about the effectiveness of cannabidiol for erectile dysfunction and get to know some of the high-quality CBD products. 

What Is Erectile Dysfunction? – Definition & Brief Review

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a problem related to men’s sexual life and reproduciton that is characterized by difficulty obtaining or maintaining a sex erection. This condition leads to difficulties in having or finishing sex, and as a result, the libido of men who suffer from this disease decreases and they develop both physiological and psychological problems. It is unnecessary to say that the significant decrease in sexual function negatively affects the quality of life in men.

Unfortunately, this condition can happen at any age, and it prevents the man from having sex or finishing sex. This condition used to be called impotence. ED can occur at any age, but it is more common in men older than 75 years of age. It’s true that in everyday life, many men encounter erection issues. However, this is not always a sign of ED and can also be caused by something less significant for your health. 

But the inability to develop or sustain an erection for more than 75% of the time is more of a sign of erectile dysfunction. That’s why it’s important to consult with your doctor to know your exact condition and receive the proper medications or substances.

Symptoms & Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

There are plenty of different reasons that can lead to erectile dysfunction. For instance, certain medical diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, have been linked to an increased likelihood of having ED. As a result, about 30-35% of men diagnosed with diabetes also experience erectile dysfunction. But guess what? 


This disease isn’t only related to physical and physiological problems. Instead, the psychological aspect is also crucial since stress and anxiety might be the sources of it. For instance, experiencing anxiety in your romantic relationships, having trouble finding a partner or connecting with them on a deeper level might lead to problems in sexual functioning. Depending on the source of this dysfunction, the symptoms usually vary.

Causes & Sources of ED

Some of the most frequent physical, physiological, and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction are the following:


  • Older age
  • Obesity
  • Medications
  • Sleep issues
  • Heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Low testosterone
  • Smoking
  • Using drugs or drinking too much alcohol
  • Anxiety
  • Underlying psychological problems
  • Relationship issues
  • Low body image
  • Stress
  • Sleep problems

Symptoms of ED

If erectile dysfunction isn’t addressed promptly, it might cause marital problems eventually. Having trouble getting or keeping an erection might be a sign of a more significant underlying health problem, as well as a risk factor for heart disease, so you need to take it seriously as soon as you notice symptoms.


The most frequent symptoms of erectile dysfunction include:


  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble keeping an erection
  • Reduced sexual desire 
  • Reduced self-esteem

How Can CBD Help With Erectile Dysfunction?

Who hasn’t heard of the positive effects of cannabidiol on our physical and mental health. But can CBD affect erectile dysfunction? Or does CBD oil help with ED? Plenty of recent studies have shown that this substance tends to be effective in avoiding some symptoms of erectile dysfunction. Therefore, it has an important impact on the body, with the ability to address both physical and psychological issues that are troubling your sexual life.


Let’s take a look at the most significant benefits of cannabidiol for sexual functioning problems.

Benefits of CBD for Erectile Dysfunction

To understand the benefits of cananbidiol oil for this disease, you should know that getting an erection is a highly complex process. It involves different parts of your body, including the brain, muscles, blood circulation, nerves, and hormones. Still, it turns out that CBD can affect all these parts of our bodies and minds, which is why it has many proven benefits for ED.


How exactly does cannabidiol help erectile dysfunction?

  1. Regulation of Hormonal Imbalance

Do you understand how crucial the effect of hormones is on the way we feel, think and behave? Interestingly, different products of the hemp plant, like CBD oil or gummies, seem to be uniquely suited to addressing some problems caused by different sorts of hormone imbalances.

While testosterone and estrogen are two well-known hormones linked to sex, cortisol and serotonin play a role in mood regulation. And cannabidiol may assist in modulating the release of cortisol, one of our stress hormones. Consequently, hormonal imbalance can lead directly to erectile dysfunction, and CBD can prevent or at least reduce this problem.

  1. Relief From Stress And Anxiety

Cannabidiol products are even more effective for erectile dysfunction caused by a psychological problem. Why? Well, it’s because stress, anxiety, and sadness have negatively affected erectile dysfunction. In particular, stress has immediate physical implications since it is frequently linked to high blood pressure and, as a result, atherosclerosis.

Therefore, according to a 2018 study about the perceived effects of cannabis on negative affect, CBD might be useful as a short-term treatment for anxiety, stress, and depression. It will help you relax and won’t make you anxious to disappoint your partner.

  1. Improves Blood Flow

High blood pressure damages the lining of blood vessels over time, causing them to harden. The condition known as atherosclerosis restricts blood supply to the penis. Because blood flowing into the penis is what causes an erection, to begin with, reduced blood flow makes it more difficult to generate and maintain an erection. 


Considering this, it’s important to maintain regular blood flow for normal erectile functioning. Fortunately, it turns out that even a single dose of cannabidiol helps regulate lower blood pressure. And since normal blood flow is important for normal penis functionality, improving blood flow is an important benefit for erectile dysfunction of this substance.

  1. Enhances Libido

Like any other lubricant during intercourse, a CBD-infused lubricant or oil can be applied to the genitals to enhance libido. The reason is that cannabidiol oils, balms, and creams that can be used as lubricants are supposed to boost pleasure, alleviate tension, and stimulate blood flow. As a result, your sex drive will naturally increase.

Possible Drawbacks

While CBD usually doesn’t have any important side effects, there are several negative effects to be aware of when using it if a bigger dose is taken. To protect yourself from any side effects, it’s better to start with a tiny dose and gradually increase it to a level that perfectly suits you.


Here are some of the possible side effects of cannabidiol oil for erection:


  • Decrease in sperm production
  • Diarrhea
  • Low blood pressure
  • Drowsiness
  • Dry mouth
  • Decrease in follicle stimulation
  • Fatigue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Nausea
  • Upset stomach
  • Appetite loss
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness

What Does Research Say About CBD for Erectile Dysfunction?

Although cannabidiol oils, gummies, and other forms of products have only been used to treat psychological difficulties for a short time, scientists have already conducted multiple studies proving CBD’s usefulness for ED and other health concerns.

  • Ayurvedic practitioners have long utilized Cannabis sativa, the plant from which marijuana and CBD are derived, to improve ejaculatory function and sexual performance, according to a paper published in the journal BioMed Research International.
  • A small study was published in the journal, JCI Insight which proves that getting a single dose of cannabidiol oil for erections helps to reduce blood pressure. But we should also note that this study focused on arteries that lead to the heart rather than those that lead to the groin.
  • Based on a 2010 study that was published in the journal Fitoterapia, topical CBD has an anti-inflammatory impact that might make sex more comfortable for you and your partner.
  • Another notion is that cannabis directly influences sexual desire in the brain. According to a 2017 study about cannabis users, cannabis triggered the area of people’s brains that governs sexual desire.
  • CBD has also been demonstrated to lower anxiety, stress, and depression, according to a review published in the journal Neurotherapeutics. On the other hand, it will help you reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Which CBD Products Can You Use for Erectile Dysfunction?

If you consider taking cannabidiol to eliminate your ED symptoms, there are a few products you can choose between at Happy Garden, a place where you get high quality, kosher, and halal products. Even though gummies and oils indeed tend to be the most popular, there is a wide choice of different forms of products, so you can easily find the one that best fits your needs.

  • CBD Oils


Cannabidiol oil effects on penis prove that it’s the most effective product to treat your erection problems. These oils are made by extracting cannabidiol from the cannabis hemp plant. At Happy Garden, you can find it in a variety of products, including dietary supplements, bath soaks, drinks, and food. 


How to use CBD oil for erectile dysfunction? Hemp oil for ED might be a fun way to add some spice to the bedroom. You just need a drop in your mouth. It can also help with muscular relaxation. On the other hand, it will help you perform better and get more pleasure.


  • CBD Gummies


CBD gummies are one of the most popular and handy products on the market today. Although they don’t have as quick an effect as cannabidiol tinctures, they’re equally effective and often, even more enjoyable.


An edible form takes longer to perform, and the body’s response is slower to its effects. It may take more time than oil, but edibles are often stronger than other forms of CBD.


  • CBD Creams & Lubricants


Specific lubes combine the benefits of lubricants and cannabidiol, so they are a fantastic addition to the bedroom. A lubricant from this substance that usually comes in the form of creams and balms can improve sensitivity, induce relaxation, reduce pain and anxiety, and even enhance orgasms. This means that using CBD oil for penis is another great way to deal with erection problems.

Key Takeaway 

If you have been diagnosed with ED or think you might have possible symptoms, then consider getting CBD for erectile dysfunction. Taking CBD oil for erection will improve your sexual function and help you deal with stress, depression, anxiety, and many other bothersome ED symptoms. 

Why should you get CBD oil for ED? The reason is that cannabidiol has a proven medical benefit for a happy sex life and improves your overall physical and psychological health. Considering this, chances are high that it can help you overcome the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Still not sure which product to choose? Then take a look at the cannabidiol products at Happy Garden and talk to your doctor to make sure you plan your treatment effectively. Hero CBD oil for erectile dysfunction is ready to serve you!

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