CBD Oil for Restless Legs Syndrome: Research-based Benefits

HEMP Products » Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS)


Did you know that one in ten people in the US population suffers from restless legs syndrome? 


The truth is that RLS, or restless legs syndrome, is one of the most common physical conditions that makes it difficult for people to live their regular lives. While some people might have RLS symptoms recurrently, others tend to suffer from RLS symptoms throughout the entire day.


Even though restless legs syndrome is a common condition that can affect people of all ages, it is also more common and frequent in middle age. On the other hand, women are twice more likely to have RLS than men.


Restless legs syndrome is rarely fatal. However, severe instances can interrupt sleep, causing insomnia, anxiety, and depression. But guess what? 


Cannabidiol can be a great way to reduce symptoms of RLS and go back to your regular daily life. So, if you’re bothered with similar symptoms to LRS, you are at the right place. In this Happy Garden article, we will tell you more about the effects of CBD on RLS.

What is Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)?

Restless leg syndrome, also known as Willis-Ekbom disease, is a condition in which a person has a strong need to move their legs. It can strike at any time of day, although it is more active and bothersome in the evenings and at night.


This illness produces painful and tingling sensations in the legs. That’s why restless leg syndrome often makes it hard to accomplish everyday tasks and fall asleep. And this, in turn, often leads to tiredness during the daytime. 


Surprisingly, RLS doesn’t only affect physical health, but this disease can also have an important impact on a person’s mental health, causing depression and mood swings.


Generally, restless legs syndrome can occur as a result of mental or physical disorders or as a side effect of certain drugs. However, the great majority of RLS instances resolve on their own over time or when minor lifestyle changes are implemented.

Symptoms & Causes of RLS

RLS symptoms are often described as strong, uncomfortable, and sometimes painful feelings in the legs or feet. They usually occur on both sides of the body and can also affect the arms.

Even though symptoms may differ from person to person, the common signs are the same, with the most frequent one being having an urge to move the legs.


The most common symptoms of restless leg movement include:


  • Sensations that start when you’re not moving. The sensation usually starts after you’ve been lying down or sitting for a long period of time.
  • The sensation of RLS disappears with movement.
  • The symptoms are getting worse in the evening and occur mainly at night.


The sensations might be difficult to describe at times. RLS sufferers seldom describe their symptoms as muscular cramps or numbness. They do, however, convey the urge to exercise the legs continuously.


There is no obvious cause of RLS in the majority of cases. Some neurologists believe that the symptoms of restless leg syndrome are related to how the body processes a neurotransmitter called dopamine.


What’s more, restless legs syndrome can be caused by an underlying health problem such as iron deficiency or renal failure in rare circumstances. Secondary restless legs syndrome is the medical term for this.


Pregnancy and restless legs syndrome are also linked. However, it’s unknown why one in every five pregnant women will develop symptoms in the latter three months of their pregnancy.

CBD Oil & RLS: Positive Effects of Cannabidiol

CBD has previously been shown to be useful in the treatment of a variety of disorders, so it’s no surprise that it also benefits RLS. There have been reports of total remission of RLS symptoms after taking cannabis. The reason is that cannabis’s pain-blocking properties may aid in the relief of RLS symptoms. 


Many jurisdictions have authorized medicinal cannabis use in recent years to treat many illnesses, including chronic pain and inflammation. CBD oil’s key advantage for RLS patients is its soothing impact, which eases a person into a peaceful sleep. A recent study also found that RLS sufferers saw a decrease in symptoms after using cannabis.


This means that if you experience the symptoms of RLS, you probably need to figure out what’s causing it and where it’s coming from. While cannabidiol is not a cure for RLS, it can aid people who suffer from the illness in a variety of ways. 


As a result, those suffering from RLS may wish to combine CBD with a full self-care routine, such as yoga. This might help to reduce anxiety and help you go back to your normal, restful life. There is, however, very little scientific data on the effects of this substance. Further research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of this medication.

Can CBD Completely Cure RLS?

As a matter of fact, CBD is not a medication, nor does it heal any diseases. However, it can effectively help to relieve many symptoms and help you quickly restore your quality of life. 


Hemp’s anti-anxiety qualities enable a lighter and calmer mind. As a result, RLS patients who use CBD are recommended to take it before going to sleep. It will give us a chance to finally be able to sleep peacefully, rest, and have a productive day.


To sum up, CBD may not heal RLS, but it may improve your sleep. It can also help with anxiety and reduce depression. All of these processes will help you get on track with an entirely natural healing process.

Possible Side Effects

Cannabidiol is considered to be one of the safest substances, with hardly any side effects. Still, it may have a different influence on some people, causing minor negative effects. However, most of the side effects usually fade away as soon as you reduce the dosage.


According to the FDA, some of the potential side effects of CBD for RLS might be: 


  • Liver damage
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings
  • Diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite.


Remember to avoid mixing cannabidiol with other medications. Strictly determine time distances between taking medications and in case any problem occurs, consult with your doctor as soon as possible. It will give you a chance to use your CBD safely and effectively.

Research Data About CBD Oil for RLS

When we’re discussing the effects of cannabidiol, more research would always be helpful to uncover all the possible benefits of the substance. However, even in the condition of study deficiency, we can still certainly say that CBD tends to be beneficial. 


In 2017, a scientific investigation demonstrated that cannabis had a favorable influence on some RLS symptoms. First of all, it increases the quality of life during the day by relieving anxiety and reducing depression. It also helps to eliminate itching and nocturnal back discomfort while also giving them high-quality sleep.


A 2019 study examined the effects of cannabis smoking on RLS. As the findings show, prolonged cannabis usage is associated with decreased dopamine production ability. This might explain cannabis’s purported benefit for RLS.


Furthermore, a 2021 study that examined the causes of CBD use discovered that 5% of participants used this substance to reduce the symptoms of RLS. Other data also shows that CBD successfully helps some people with RLS. In fact, respondents state that people who use it for RLS state that CBD tends to be effective for sleep disorders, stress, and anxiety too.

How to Use CBD for Restless Leg Syndrome?

If you’re thinking about using cannabidiol to deal with RLS symptoms, you should know that you can use this substance in a variety of ways. 


The most common forms of CBD administration are either orally or externally as balms and creams. In fact, the external use might be more favorable in the case of RLS since it can be applied directly to particular locations that cause pain. 


However, you can also use CBD oil orally for quick absorption to reduce anxiety and stress and improve sleep while you suffer from RLS symptoms. But if you’re looking to get a much longer-lasting effect, we recommend taking CBD gummies


However, scientists suggest that people who use cannabidiol supplements for the first time start with a small dose and gradually increase it until they reach the dose their body can take without any side effects. This will allow you to analyze your body’s reaction and determine the proper dosage.


It’s also worth noting that the FDA now recommends that people do not consume more than 70mg of CBD oil per day.

Choosing the Best CBD Products for RLS

Finding the proper cannabidiol product isn’t an easy task in the rapidly growing industry of CBD. To be certain that you have a high-quality product, you need to do some research and find out the trustworthiness of the brand.


 However, we can save you some of your precious time by telling you that at Happy Garden you’ll be able to find natural and quality CBD products that can help you alleviate the symptoms of RLS.


Here’s what you should take into consideration while choosing a CBD provider:


  • Ingredients used 
  • Licenses
  • Technique used
  • Company policies


Why should you trust Happy Garden? 


  • We provide a wide choice of naturally derived products. 
  • We use GMP-ISO 7 production standards that guarantee quality.
  • Cannabidiol at our shop comes in excellent quality.
  • We offer various concentrations of CBD, including 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%.
  • Every step of the cannabidiol-making process is transparent.
  • Communication with us is always easy and effective, so you can contact us anytime.


To sum up, restless legs syndrome doesn’t usually lead to further adversaries. However, symptoms of this disease might range from insignificant to incapacitating. Severe RLS can significantly decrease life quality and lead to depression and other mental disorders that put our well-being in danger.


In most cases, CBD alleviates the signs of restless leg syndrome, and on rare occasions, it can also produce total recovery. So, get your preferred form of cannabidiol from Happy Garden, and don’t forget to consult with a healthcare practitioner to avoid possible side effects. 


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