Hemp Seeds – Health Benefits

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You probably know about chia seeds, sunflower seeds, and even pumpkin seeds. However, you may be unaware that Cannabis sativa also produces edible seeds in the form of hemp seeds. 

Hemp seeds might be a good addition to your dish if you like crunchy textures and earthy flavors. The little seeds are simple to use and eat, making them suitable for snacking and main courses. Hemp seeds are also high in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Hemps seeds are thought to have several health benefits, and many of these assertions are backed up by a growing amount of research. Continue reading this Happy Garden CBD article to discover the benefits of hemp seeds and how to include them in your health and wellness routine.

What are Hemp Seeds?

Whole hemp seeds have a firm, light brown shell that is especially crunch. However, producers will often hull them to reveal softer kernels called hemp hearts or hemp nuts. Although the terms are commonly used interchangeably, hemp seeds are seldom eaten owing to their crunchy and tough shell, which can get lodged in your teeth.

While hearts are great, they can be further processed into hemp protein, milk, and oil. The crunchy shell also finds use as a good source of fiber, and after it is ground into a powder, you can use it for baking or as a supplement in smoothies.

Although hemp seeds are from a variant of the cannabis plant, they lack the intoxicating chemical THC present in marijuana. The seeds have been used for generations to cure and prevent many health problems through oral and topical treatments.

Benefits of Hemp Seeds

Here are 4 evidence-backed benefits of hemp seeds:

Rich in Essential Amino Acids

Hemp seeds provide about the same amount of protein as soybeans. There are 31.5g of protein in every 100 grams (g) of seeds. They are a rare plant-based source of complete proteins as they contain all nine essential amino acids. 

All proteins are made up of amino acids. Nine of them are not produced by the body, so we need them from our meals. Hemp seeds can significantly supplement a vegetarian or vegan diet because of this quality.

Lowers Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. Fortunately, it appears that including hemp seeds in your diet may lower your risk of heart disease. The seeds are abundant in arginine, an amino acid that stimulates your body’s nitric oxide production. Nitric oxide facilitates blood vessel dilatation, thereby lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Another way hemp seeds reduce heart disease is by delivering high amounts of essential fatty acids. They contain linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids, and unsaturated fatty acids. These types of fats cut down cholesterol and triglyceride levels (a kind of fat associated with an elevated risk of heart disease), but they also prevent the build-up up of fats in arteries, lessening the chance of a heart attack or stroke.

Help Maintain a Healthy Gut

In addition to maintaining a healthy heart, eating a spoonful of these superfoods daily can improve your gut health. This is because they offer an abundance of soluble and insoluble fiber. These fibers nourish your gut microflora and, in turn, diminish blood sugar surges, regulate cholesterol levels, and remove toxins from your gastrointestinal tract.

Unlike whole hemp seeds, hemp hearts have relatively low amounts of fiber since they lack the shell.

Promote Skin Health

Research has demonstrated that hemp seed oil may help with eczema symptoms and dry, itchy skin because it increases circulating essential fatty acids. Research has shown that these fatty acids influence immunological responses in the body. However, their presence alone is not enough for optimal effects. They need to be in a balance. 

Hemp seeds offer an omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of roughly 3:1, which experts regard ideal.

Aside from helping dry, itchy skin and eczema, hemp seed oil’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties may potentially help reduce acne.

How Make Hemp Seeds Part of Your Diet

You can eat plain hemp seeds or hearts or add them to several recipes. For example, you can grind it to a fine powder and include it in your shakes and smoothies. You can also sprinkle the seeds on cereal, oatmeal, açai bowls. It can be a fantastic addition to a yummy parfait with some fruit and yogurt.

Hemp seeds can also make a fine addition to a plate of salad, hummus, steamed or stir-fried vegetables, falafel, and slaw. You can also use these seeds in your pancakes and pastries such as bread, cookies, and muffins.

Risks of Eating Hemp Seeds

Avoid hemp seeds when taking  anticoagulants, because they can interfere with their effects. People with food allergies should be careful if they decide to try hemp seeds.

Shop With Happy Garden CBD

While we don’t sell hemp seeds, we do offer you many of the benefits of hemp plants. We source our extensive range of CBD products from the highest quality plants. Check out our shop here, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any inquiries.

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