Flying With CBD Oil

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Generally, air travel already generates a lot of anxiety for most people. This, coupled with other personal reasons, makes them turn to CBD in the forms of CBD Oil, gummies for remedy. People who have issues with jet lag tend to use CBD to quell their symptoms, and others use CBD Oil for basic skincare routines while on board.

Can you fly with CBD Oil? Of course. However, flying with CBD oil is not the easiest of tasks. CBD (Cannabidiol) Oil originates from hemp (also known as Cannabis). Cannabis is not yet a federally controlled substance, but the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has guidelines regarding travel with CBD products.

TSA requirements for CBD Oil

The major requirements are based on:

  • THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) concentration of the CBD oil.
  • Proper storage.

From the official website of the TSA, CBD Oil should have a THC concentration of less than 0.3 percent, and this applies to all CBD products. It must also be appropriately stored in less than 3.4oz containers. If the CBD oil meets TSA requirements, it is perfectly legal to carry onto flights. Thankfully, most commercially sold CBD products adhere strictly to these requirements.

State and International Guidelines for Flying with CBD

Irrespective of TSA guidelines, you need to remember that flying would involve crossing state lines. A few states still consider CBD illegal, and the THC content would be irrelevant in those cases. With domestic travel, it is a bit more clear-cut. At the moment, states like Michigan, Georgia, and California prohibit CBD from being in all forms of food and drink. Meanwhile, Idaho, South Dakota, and Iowa totally prohibit all forms of CBD. If you’re traveling to other states, the TSA guidelines work out fine.

With international travel, the rules on CBD Oil vary largely. Doing your own research will go a long way. Be extremely cautious and adequately informed on the CBD regulations in those countries.

General Tips for Flying with CBD Oil

Now that we’ve gotten serious rules regarding flying with CBD oil out of the way, here are a few general tips you should know about it.

  • Print out a copy of the ingredient list, as well as an analysis result proving your CBD oil follows the  0.3% THC rule.
  • If you have any products containing CBD Oil, print out and keep a copy of the Certificate of Analysis (CoA).
  • Do your research diligently.
  • For inter-state flying, provides enough information on CBD state laws. Domestic travel is seemingly less risky but still risky all the same.
  • Do not skip over any regulations when you are traveling internationally. Have all your information about the destination country’s Regulations on CBD Oil and make plans accordingly.
  • Double check the TSA website for the latest regulations and have them printed out incase you encounter any security agent unfamiliar with the new rules.
  • If need be, call the airline you plan to travel with for information about flying with CBD Oil.

If doing all that seems too stressful, there are easier ways out. However, they do not involve ‘ flying with CBD Oil’. You can:

  • If it is legal, make plans to purchase CBD Oil at the destination.
  • Similarly, you could make an online order for CBD Oil and it would get shipped to your final destination just in time for your arrival.
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